Monday, August 22, 2011

President Obama Snorts Coke

The blonde foul mouthed, GOP pundit, Ann Coulter said as much Sunday morning.

And when did it become acceptable to accuse a sitting president of being a drug user without any proof? There comes a time when a line gets crossed and this surely is it. There were the birthers, those who questioned his faith and others who suggested he was not black enough. And now a drug user!

Coulter will no doubt say she said nothing wrong. And will defend it on the networks that will invite her for clarification. She merely suggested the media find his dealer. Nothing wrong with that, right? Some will say, "That's just Ann being Ann" As if her words are benign. Let's not forget she has a following that takes her babble as truth. How long before this gains traction? Imagine for a moment Senate hearings on the veracity of her statement. Talk about a dog and pony show.

Now does Ann Coulter believe what she says or does she speak merely for shock value? Perhaps she is feeling neglected since all attention is on the "brunette sisters". Not as smart as her but just as evil. What is to be gained by this? Who stands to gain the most?

A few years ago, on Larry King, she made vile statements about the widows of firemen who were killed on 9/11."Whores" she called them for taking money given to them and their children. And even after that she is on news shows,ok mostly Fox, to spread her lies.

The White House must not turn a blind eye to this news. Even though supporters will laugh this off as rhetoric detractors will take it as fact.

Why she has never been sued escapes me. I Just Don't Get It

The link has been provided below.

Blow Job: Ann Coulter Demands That The Media Find Obama’s Coke Dealer